Summary of the latest news
- A landowner in Cass County filed a lawsuit against multiple parties regarding the interlocal agreement between LPSNRD and Cass County that was approved by the Cass County Commissioners on November 5, 2024 and designated the selected route as "Alignment D" (along 334th Street).
- The Cass County Attorney put the matter on the March 25th agenda of Cass County Board of Commissioners. This board voted to rescind the endorsement of "Alignment D" as the selected route, and will discuss the route options further with LPSNRD.
- April 22nd was designated as the next County Commissioners meeting on which this matter will be considered.
What's next
- The LPSNRD leadership will conduct meetings with the Cass County Commissioners over the next few weeks. We will provide more information when we know more.
- We will work to gather support and raise the voices of those who support the trail. Please join us.
- Donate to the effort if you can - thanks in advance!
- Stay tuned... we'll be sending more information out, and asking if you can participate in activities to get the project back on track!
- Review the route selection process here.
- Stay positive!